Thursday, March 27, 2008

Mike Dillard answers a great MLM Question

I just have to post some of these great Mike Dillard responses to questions on the Magnetic Sponsoring site. This one is very potent!

Written by Mike Dillard
Mike Dillard
“Mike, At last--a voice of reason rising above the babble! I've been using these methods in the brick-and-mortar business world for years, and they work like magic! In fact, I work as a business growth consultant, helping people implement these concepts.

However, when I talk to my upline (Quixtar) about integrating these strategies and tactics into my MLM business, you can almost see them reaching for the garlic necklaces and crosses to ward off such "evil thoughts!" How do you recommend that I go about finding a reputable company that won't frown on (or outright forbid, as Quixtar does with many of these methods) these concepts?”

- Dave

That’s a great question Dave and I’m so glad to know that you already understand the power found in the strategies of Magnetic Sponsoring.

It’s becoming harder and harder to advertise as a distributor in network marketing and that trend will only continue to grow in the coming years.

Companies find themselves between a rock and a hard place.

On one hand, they understand the importance of advertising, and want you to do as much as possible. Believe me… There’s nothing they’d like to see more than a market flooded with distributor placed ads promoting their products and opportunity.

On the other hand, they’re handcuffed by attorney’s who are more than aware of the FTC sharks who are constantly circling, just waiting for someone to screw up so they can dive in for the feast.

As the legal risks continue to rise, the more strict parent companies must get with their advertising policies.

This is an inevitable outcome.

Think about it…

95% of distributors in a network marketing company have no real experience as a business owner or professional advertiser.

They have no idea what’s within the law and what’s not. Income Disclaimer? Terms Of Use? Privacy Policies?

What are those?

So you take an eager group of people with ZERO education and little sense of personal liability, and you let them loose onto the biggest communications platform in the history of mankind… The Internet.

People end up placing stupid ads, and making insane claims, all in the name of their beloved parent company.

The Gov shows up a few weeks later, knocks on their door, and says “clean up your act or we’ll shut you down”.

And just like that, the ability for distributors to use advertisements with any information about the parent company at all is taken away.

You can’t blame corporate. They’re just doing what they must in order to stay in business.

This will only get worse and it’s a shame.

Personally, I can’t stand government intervention into a capitalist market.

They walk into a market under the excuse of protecting the “ignorant consumer” from the evil savvy marketers.

“Your testimonials are too persuasive which caused Mary to spend her last $50 on your product and now she can’t pay her cable bill. You need to remove those testimonials and replace them with something stale, boring, and un-compelling”.

Excuse my 3rd grade verbiage here, but that’s retarded.

America is quickly becoming a country where no one takes personal responsibility for anything in their lives. If there’s a problem, you go crying to the government who will gladly take your side in exchange for a vote, or a hefty donation during election time.

The weak whine the loudest, which is heard by the politicians who just want to keep their job, so policies are changed to cater to the whiners which means that this entire country is slowly turning into one big pile of finger-pointing meat puppets who cry for their bottle until the someone else sticks it in their mouth for them.

Can you tell I’m a little jaded by this trend?

So as far as your network marketing business is concerned, what are you going to do about it?

Well that’s the million-dollar question isn’t it?

I have to be honest. There is no right or wrong answer. You will define your own solution depending upon your personal views and opinions.

I found mine two years ago, and though I’m probably biased, I believe it to be the strongest.


Well in less than two years it allowed me to go from waiting tables to “millionaire” by the age of 29, and it is the only solution that is completely immune to any and all market changes. It is, in a word… “Timeless”.

And it’s very simple really…

You don’t just build an MLM or network marketing opportunity because there’s no real value or equity there.

I hope you realize that.

When you build a business opportunity, you’re not building a real business at all because you don’t own any part of it. You don’t own the product. You don’t own the company, and you don’t own your downline.

You are an independent distributor that can be let go at the owner’s discretion.

Building a business opportunity is fine, but it shouldn’t “BE” your business. It should only be a part of your business.

It needs to be focused and centered around you and your name…. What I like to call, “You Inc”, because the equity you build in your name, your reputation, and your relationships is priceless because it can never be taken away from you.

When you build a following of people, and a business around “you” instead of your company, your income will never be at the mercy of other distributors, market changes, competition, or company owners again.

That’s the key to dealing with the growing limitations when it comes to advertising your company.

You don’t advertise IT… You advertise YOU.

Sponsoring distributors becomes effortless, building a downline can be done in days, and making $10,000, $20,000, or even $100,000 in a single day is as simple as writing an email.

Now this strategy is straight-forward, but I found that 99% of homes business owners lacked the simple skills necessary to actually execute the marketing methods necessary to build a “You Inc” centered business.

For example…

· How do you generate leads online?

· There are over 6 different types of leads you can generate. Which types should you pursue?

· How do you market your business to them?

· How do you market your product to them?

· How to you get them to pursue you?

· How do you monetize them if they don't join your business?

· Do you email them, call them, or mail a letter? How often?

· How do you automate this process?

· What should your emails, calls, or letters say? What should the headline be?

· What should you ask them to do next?

· How long should you keep in touch with them?

You see, the ironic part about all of this is that in the end, we’re in an industry of marketing and promotion, pursued by people who have no idea how to market or promote… Especially online.

Marketing is the life-blood of your business, but do you know HOW you’re going to keep marketing even when your company says you can’t use their name in your ads or websites any more?

If that day hasn’t come for you yet, it will soon.

Learning how to implement an effective “You Inc” based marketing campaign effectively online is not optional anymore.

It’s required.

Until you know how to market online, you don’t have a business, you have a dream.

I realized this years ago and was fortunate enough to learn these simple skills from some of the best online marketers in the world and two very good friends of mine, Tim Erway and Tom Bell.

Tom actually owned an MLM lead company for a few years, and by this point, all of us had built at least one significant downline.

We knew for a fact that the button wearing, flier-posting days of the 90’s were over.

The Internet age was here, and we didn’t hesitate to take advantage of it.

Over the course of a year, we combined our skills to come up with what we now call, “The MLM Traffic Formula”, which has become THE definitive guide to building a successful “You Inc” centered home based business in the internet age.

I’m not going to sit here today and try to sell it to you, but if you’ve been on my list for any amount of time, you’ve surely heard of it.

Tim used the Formula to sponsor 1,732 reps in 31 days. Tom used it to make over $11,000,000 in five years. And I used it to generate 9,817 free leads in one month.

The Traffic Formula allowed us to dominate the competition at will. It was pure power and the MLM industry became our playground.

So what is it?

Well it’s actually made of three different pieces or “phases”…

Phase I is about building a 7-figure business that's immune to attrition and competition by building a “You Inc” based business. If you want to learn how to market when your company doesn’t allow it, this is how it’s done…

Phase II is about generating massive online traffic using blogs, Google Adwords, search engines, articles, press-releases, and CPA networks - And then turn that traffic into live, exclusive leads for you and your business.

Phase III is about monetizing your leads and the 95% of your prospects who said, “no”, to your opportunity. I’ve used this strategy to make well over $1,000,000/yr in addition to the money made from my primary program.

In the end, it amounts to a complete step-by-step system that allows anyone who uses it to:

1: Generate endless leads online.

2: Produce instant cash-flow.

3: And build a time-less, work-at-home empire that was completely protected against market changes, “no advertising” policies, company break-downs, downline attrition, and even competition.

So Dave, you’re right… Distributors are faced with some big challenges these days, but we’ve been able to successfully adapt to them using The Formula.

I hope you enjoyed this. Click here to pursue further interest.